These are the people.
Lajityyppi: Documentary film
Vuosi: 1946
Kesto: 00:17:57
Kuvaus: Speakers pledge rehabilitation of displaced persons and refugees undergo training at Zettlitz farm.
0 Titles / 43 MV memorial and people passing by / 50 Refugees at Camp Feldafing / 70 Refugees in barracks / 94 Eating / 107 CU's refugees in crowded barracks / 132 EXT Landsberg barracks and people waiting in streets / 165 CU's old women in homes / 237 Chaplain Abraham Klausner speaking to camera / 269 CU programs for committee meeting / 288 GV audience / 300 Cantor singing 'El Maaleh Rachamim' / 361 CU's Audience / 592 CU David Ben Gurion in audience / 601 CU Colonel Roth in audience listening / 640 Grinberg speaking / 769 CU's audience / 815 Grinberg speaking / 843 Bavarian Minister Hagner speaking / 980 Audience / 986 Ben Gurion speaking (English) / 1001 CU's audience listening as Ben Gurion speaks / 1025 Ben Gurion speaking / 1095 Eva Lady Reading speaking for World Jewish congress / 1105 CU Colonel Roth of US 3rd Army / 1112 CU Rabbi Blum of Palestine / 1115 CU Judge Simon Rifkind / 1123 Dr. Schwarzbart / 1128 Audience rising for Hatikva / 1187 Presenter talking about retraining programs / 1127 Refugees arriving at Zettlitz Jewish farm / 1267 Eating in communal dining room / 1276 Studying papers and CU's pictures of Palestine and Zionist leaders / 1322 Work on farm / 1391 Scenes in joinery workshop / 1437 Girls sewing / 1449 Dancing hora / 1467 CU's clouds / 1489 CU's animals on farm / 1536 Trees and fruit / 11587 Wheat in field / 1610 ends
Avainsanat: VICTOR-E project / refugee / refugee camp / Germany / Holocaust
Sisältölähde: Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive
Oikeudet: In Copyright / Please contact the Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archives for further information
Tuotantoyhtiö: Central Committee for Liberated Jews in Germany
Väri: Black & White
Sound: With sound
Kokoelma: Holocaust and World War II
Language: en